


Weekly Update!

  • 교육부
  • 조회 : 880
  • 2016.07.18 오후 10:06

Hello PSG!

First of all, I just wanted to thank you for praying for our Cleveland Missions team. God really took us for a ride and we have come back with new friendships and new perspectives. And I want to thank you all right away for praying because I am more than confident that none of it would have been the same without your prayers. So thank you! 

This Friday we will be having another summer-small-group hangout! Each small group will be doing something together. The 6th and 7th graders, however, will refrain from leaving the church as per the request of some of the parents. I just wanted to take a moment to explain the heart behind these small group hangouts. I know that at a glance, they can seem unnecessary or maybe even a waste of time. However, we as a youth group staff have prayed and discussed it and we believe what our youth group needs is some basic community. It's not too often these youth group students can come together because of how busy they are with school, activities, clubs, and sports. So seeing as how it is the summer, we really wanted to take advantage of the freer time some of the students have. Whether you are a new sixth grader or a senior in high school or even a parent, what everyone desires deep in their hearts is relationship and community. Ultimately that relationship we desire the students to have is with Christ, but we know that this race is not meant to be run alone. And right now, we're just trying to get these youth group students to come together and just get a chance to get to know one another and do life together.

Now I really felt convicted to explain that, but not just for the sake of letting you know. That is a part of it, but the much larger, and far more important, part is that of prayer. We, as a serving body, are really asking that you would join us in prayer as we pray for community to be born, as we pray that life would be done together, as we pray that deep relationships would be formed. Please join us as we pray and seek to pour prayers into the next generation in this very broken world.

Aside from all that, this upcoming Sunday will be a little different in that we will be having a testimony-sharing time for the youth group students that attended the Cleveland Mission Trip. The sharers will be Andrew Kim, Jonathon Chung, Shinhye Yoon, Candice Uhm, Daniel Cho, and Nathan Cha. Please keep them in prayer as well as the students who will be listening. Wouldn't it be great to have hearts convicted for missions after hearing the testimonies of their fellow peers? So please keep this Sunday service in your prayers throughout this week! Thank you!

And as always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to email me atdanielsong90@gmail.com!

In Christ,
Pastor Daniel Song

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  • 등록일
  • 작성자
  • 조회
  • 1
  •  Weekly Update!
  • 2016-07-18
  • 교육부
  • 881

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