


헤브론 PSG: Youth Winter Retreat 2015/Happy New Year

  • 교육부
  • 조회 : 706
  • 2016.01.17 오후 11:05

헤브론 학부모님들께

안녕하세요. 벌써 2016년입니다. 올 한 해 복되고 복 된 한 해 되시길 기도합니다.  윤 초이 목사님께서 보내주신 메일 전달해드립니다. 추운 날씨 감기 조심하세요.  

HYG January '16

HYG Winter Retreat 2015

On December 21-23 the youth group went on our annual winter retreat where our theme was "One With Purpose."  We had close to 100 students and counselors all join together at Lake Geneva Conference Center to experience God's grace and His blessing for those few days.  Our guest speaker was Rev. David Kang from Covenant Fellowship Church and I think everyone would agree with me in saying that God used him as His mouthpiece to speak to us.  It was a great time for our youth group and I truly believe that God used that time together to bring our youth group closer to one another!  What a great way to end the year and also a great way to begin a new year with such great momentum.  We look forward to all the amazing things that God has in store for our youth group this 2016 year!

Happy New Year

A new year is upon us and we look forward to all that God has in store for the youth group.  Starting this Sunday we will be starting a new sermon series titled, "Hot Topics", where we will be preaching on topics that our students are faced with in their everyday life.  Please keep the pastor's in your prayers these next 2 months as we go through this series.  Please see below the schedule for our Friday Nights for the next month:

15-  LifeGroups
22-  Big Group Hangout
29-  Bowling Night @ Brunswick

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  •  헤브론 PSG: Youth Winter Retreat 2015/Happy New Year
  • 2016-01-17
  • 교육부
  • 707

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